Monday, 23 September 2013


Dear friends as we all know that japan is always been a leader in world in terms of quality and best manufacturing systems origination.

The words Muda,Muri & Mura are also japanese words which are  related to process improvememt.

Muda means "Waste"......

Muri means " Strain".....

Mura means " Variation"

Lets talk briefly one by one abouts these three words :

Muda is any kind of waste generated during the whole process it may be rework,overproduction or excess inventory.....

Muri is the overburden or strain on the machines or employees.....

Mura is any kind of variation present in the process i.e. it may be equipment variation or operation variation or process originated variation...

The general theory is that if any organization takes the necessary actions to eliminate these three enemy of profit and quality for any organization i.e. muda muri & mura, it is needless to say that the product quality and net profit will be more achievable for the company...


Attached pic,this is only for reference purpose.


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Technical Words drilling......

Sometimes technical words having long definitions but when it comes to explain it to a non technical person ,it  is too difficult to express it in simplest words....right now i am  recalling some words which are as follows and lets try to go close to real meaning of these words in simplest and shortest words-

1. Hazard and Risk

Hazard is anything that can cause harm.

Risk is a Chance may be high or low that somebody harmed by the hazard.

2.Continuous and Continual

Continuous is something increasing  regularly without any consistency

Continual is a increment in a sustained and stepwise manner that means just like a ladder in which there is an increment then there is a sustained step and so on

3. Accuracy & Precision

Accuracy is closeness to the truth

Precision is closeness to observation


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Preservatives in Cosmetic & Food products

Dear Readers,

We all each and every one at some point of time used the any kind of processed packed food or cosmetic products in our daily life....but the question arises in an common man's mind that how these products remain absolutely fit for use after such a long period...the answer is the use of preservatives in such products makes them to be in okay condition and increase the shelf life of product significantly but generally without any deterioration in the quality of product by any means....

The word "Preservative" can be broke down into two simple words Preserve + Additives i.e additives which are added to products to preserve it.By science community, the preservatives are classified into two categories-

i) Class I Preservatives- These are naturally occurring substances for example vinegar,salt,sugar,honey,vegetable oils, as most of them are used in a traditional way from ancient times specially in India...i have grown by seeing the use of these substances by my mother to preserve the food items for a longer duration and these class of preservatives are absolutely safe for the use.

ii) Class II Preservatives-  These are synthetic chemicals likes benzoates,sorbates & sulphities....

The most common preservatives used in the cosmetic products like shampoo,lotions,gels,shaving creams and toothpastes are "Parabens". Chemically parabens are para-hydroxybenzoate...for example methyl paraben,propyl paraben

But some recent research has indicates that Parabens are not very safe for human body for prolonged use..hence companies are studying currently to replace the parabens from product by a safer option of preservative.

Moving ahead in discussion,one of the another good example of the synthetic safe preservative called as Phenoxyethanol. Its synthesis having the basis of a ancient plant which isknown for its anti-microial and anti-bacterial properties.  

The following is the list of preservatives which are generally used in the cosmetics and processed packed food products, some of them are to be used in a well defined and manner and concentration by various food & cosmetic regulatory bodies throughout the world:

1) Formaldehyde and Paraformaldehyde
2) Salicyclic acid and its salt
3) Propionic acid and its salt
4) Sorbic acid & its salt
5) Sodium Iodate
6) Chlorobutanol
7) Triclosan
8) Benzyl alcohol
9) Sodium benzaote
10) Benzethonium chloride

The government regularities bodies has made the Law in such a way that every manufacturer has to declare the details of preservatives which they have added in the be aware next time when you use a product that you are using a product with safe preservative added or not.......make yourself and your loved ones aware about the fact that preservatives are boon at the same time may be dangerously harmful to your body....


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Six Sigma- Basic Introudction

Six Sigma- A word quite common in every sector of companies nowadays but still a puzzle for "n" numbers of the people working in industry including me also prior to the introductory certification course completed by me of Six Sigma...

By means of this article i would like to share my thoughts on the introductory portion of Six Sigma Approach.

"What is the Purpose of Six Sigma and its origination"???

The very basic and simplest answer to this question is to make customer happier and increase profit. The whole approach of six sigma is to improve manufacturing process by eliminating defects.Six sigma approach was first developed by Motorola in 1986 with the objective of improvement of manufacturing process and correspondingly profits for company.

In the last few decades more of world class companies like GE,Allied Signal,Johnson & Johnson,Honeywell and many more has Opt for the six sigma approach.

One most common example whenever any body talk about Six sigma is Landing capability of a pilot on landing strip that means how close he can land the plane each and every time close to the target line.

"What are the Current Leadership Challenges"?
- Delighting Customer
- Reducing Cycle times
- Technology Advances
- Retaining People
- Reducing Costs
- Responding Quickly
- Flexibility
-Growing oversea market
- Retaining to the Best employer in the market is the main challenge 

Classic Examples of Six Sigma:

Motorola: -5 fold growth in sales 
                - Profit climbing by 20% pa
                - Cumulative savings of $14 billion over 11 years

General Electric- $2 billion savings in just 3 years

Betchle Corporation- $200 million savings with investments of $30 million..

Note: Initial investment has to be done by company in implementation of Six sigma at workplace ,later on in turn big benefits are observed in terms of increase profit and more quality product.

Six Sigma Philosophy:

@ Know what important to customer (CTQ)
@Reduce Defect (DPMO) 
@Center Around target (Mean)
@ Reduce variation (High Standard Deviation)

Note: DPMO level of 3.4 is equivalent to six sigma level of a process.

How to choose an Six Sigma Project?

To understand how organization can work on the identification of Six sigma project, refer the below flow chart (below chart is taken from the website only for refernce purpose)

After the identification of Project the work whole Six sigma process is depends upon the 'DMAIC" theory..

D stands for Define the problem
M stands for Measure the criticalilty of problem
A stands for Analyze means collect the concern data and analyze it to find the root cause of problem
I stands for Improve means after analyze the core issues work towards to improve it
C stands for Control means sustain the improvement implemented and do it regular monitoiring.

There are diferent categories of courses in six sigma approach i.e. yellow belt,Green belt,black belt and master black belt.

Six sigma itself is a very deep and vast topic which can be feel by pratical Apporoach only.The basic objective of this article is to share just abcd of six sigma approach....

Note: In six sigma the sigma stands for the standrad deviation which is an statistical term to meaure the deviation in a process from its average value..

Im my opinion if any organization takes serious interest in six sigma process approach,the return vll be only procees improvement and many fold profits....